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Mette Østman

There are many things we hope nobody will ever need. Little caskets are one of them. However, should it happen that a baby is lost during the pregnancy, it might be helpful to know that beautiful, soft and special caskets exist – something which can express warmth in the midst of grief.

Små filtede kister i pink, blå, grøn og hvid med lukninger af filtblomster, østersskal og lille gren

The little caskets have been part of our range for some time, but we've altered the shape and closure slightly, so here we're displaying the latest version.

To lysegrønne filtede kister i to størrelser. Den største lukkes med to filtede hvide blomster, den mindre med en blomst

We make them in two sizes. The smallest one is ca. 20-25 cm (ca. 7.9-9.8 in) and the small one is ca. 30-35 cm (ca. 11.8-13.8 in). The closure is either a felted flower or a mussel shell, a hagstone, or a piece of wood. They will always be a little different, and you can view them all here.

En hånd holder en lille filtet lysegrøn kiste, med lukning af en hvid filtet blomst

The caskets are made from pure wool. They are felted, and then starched, so they can keep their shape.

We pad the casket with fine wool and a silk shroud to ensure the bed is soft.

The closure is made of two flaps, which makes it durable and stable. Just like our urns, it's inspired by jewelry boxes, the little ones made from cardboard, which are closed with two flaps. Originally, this was a practical and aesthetic choice that we liked, but there's also an added symbolic value, as the casket will hold something precious.




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